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Global keys

Table of contents
  1. Visual Basic
  2. Windows

Visual Basic

Use these key combinations in all Visual Basic windows.

Press To
F5 Run a Sub/UserForm or macro.
F8 Execute code one line at a time.
SHIFT+F8 Execute statements one line at a time without stepping into procedure calls.
CTRL+BREAK Stop running a Visual Basic application.
CTRL+G Display the Immediate window.
CTRL+TAB Switch between windows.
ALT+F5 Runs the error handler code or returns the error to the calling procedure. Does not affect the setting for error trapping on the General tab of the Options dialog box.
ALT+F8 Steps into the error handler or returns the error to the calling procedure. Does not affect the setting for error trapping on the General tab of the Options dialog box.


Use these key combinations in all Windows-based applications.

Press To
F1 Open Help.
ALT+F6 Toggle between the last two active windows.
ALT+F4 (Visual Basic) Close the active window; if all windows are closed, close Visual Basic.
CTRL+C or F3 Copy the selection to the Clipboard.
CTRL+X Cut the selection to the Clipboard.
CTRL+V Paste the Clipboard selection.
CTRL+Z Undo the last edit.
SHIFT+F10 View the shortcut menu.

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