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Excel VBA and Macro Examples
Excel VBA and Macro Examples
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Excel VBA and Macro Examples
The most used macros to make you work more efficiently.
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Course content
Advanced VBA Techniques
Excel Macro: Base64 HMAC Encryption
Excel Macro: Convert Current System Time to ISO 8601 UTC Time Stamp
Excel Macro: Convert Numbers Into Words
Excel Macro: Limit The Number of Times a Workbook Can Be Used
Excel Macro: Search on Google
Excel Macro: Using Regular Expressions
Working with the Ribbon
Excel Macro: Enable Trust Access to the VBA Project Object Model
Working with Ranges
Excel Macro: Copy and Paste a Range
Excel Macro: Delete Blank or Empty Columns
Excel Macro: Delete Blank or Empty Rows
Excel Macro: Delete Duplicate Entries in a Range
Excel Macro: Highlight the Active Row and Column
Excel Macro: Insert Blank Rows Between Existing Rows
Excel Macro: Loop Through a List of Data
Excel Macro: Sort Column Data By Double Clicking Header Cell
Working with Workbooks
Excel Macro: Auto Save a Workbook Before Closing
Excel Macro: Create a Backup of a Workbook with Current Date
Excel Macro: Creating a New Workbook
Excel Macro: Determine If a Excel Workbook is Already Open
Excel Macro: Open All Workbooks in a Folder
Excel Macro: Opening a Specific Workbook Chosen by the User
Excel Macro: Prevent the Workbook Closing If a Cell is Empty
Excel Macro: Print All Workbooks in a Folder
Excel Macro: Refresh All Data Connections on Workbook Open
Excel Macro: Save and Close All Workbooks at Once
Excel Macro: Saving a Workbook When a Specific Cell Is Changed
Working with Worksheets
Excel Macro: Add and Name a New Worksheet with Specific Name
Excel Macro: Create a New Workbook for Each Sheet
Excel Macro: Create a Table of Contents of Sheets
Excel Macro: Delete All Worksheets Except Active One
Excel Macro: Group Worksheets by Color
Excel Macro: Hide All Worksheets Except Active One
Excel Macro: Open a Workbook to a Specific Sheet
Excel Macro: Protect a Worksheet Before Workbook Close
Excel Macro: Protect or Unprotect All Worksheets At Once
Excel Macro: Rename Worksheet Events in Excel
Excel Macro: Sort Worksheets by Name
Excel Macro: Unhide All Worksheets in a Workbook
Excel Macro: Unprotect a Worksheet on Workbook Open
Excel Macro: Zoom In and Out in Worksheet on Double-Click
Working with PivotTables
Excel Macro: Adjust All Pivot Data Field Titles
Excel Macro: Create a PivotTable Checklist Summary
Excel Macro: Hide All Subtotals in a PivotTable
Excel Macro: Make All PivotTables Use the Same Pivot Cache
Excel Macro: Refresh All PivotTables Workbook
Working with Files
Excel Macro: Bulk Insert Pictures in Cells and Resize Them
Excel Macro: Compress All Pictures In Excel Worksheet
Excel Macro: Create, Copy, and Delete Folders
Excel Macro: Determine If a File Exists in a Directory
Excel Macro: Export All Pictures and Rename
Excel Macro: List All Files From zip File
Excel Macro: List All Files in Folders and Subfolders
Excel Macro: List Files From Directory Order By Date Modified
Excel Macro: List Files in Subfolders, Version 2
Excel Macro: Rename a File or Folder
Course Details
Last Update
April 19, 2022
Microsoft Office Excel any version
Course level
All students