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DateValue function

Table of contents
  1. Syntax
  2. Remarks
  3. Example

Returns a Variant (Date).



The required date argument is normally a string expression representing a date from January 1, 100, through December 31, 9999. However, date can also be any expression that can represent a date, a time, or both a date and time, in that range.


If date is a string that includes only numbers separated by valid date separators, DateValue recognizes the order for month, day, and year according to the Short Date format that you specified for your system. DateValue also recognizes unambiguous dates that contain month names, either in long or abbreviated form. For example, in addition to recognizing 12/30/1991 and 12/30/91, DateValue also recognizes December 30, 1991 and Dec 30, 1991.

If the year part of date is omitted, DateValue uses the current year from your computer's system date.

If the date argument includes time information, DateValue doesn't return it. However, if date includes invalid time information (such as "89:98"), an error occurs.


This example uses the DateValue function to convert a string to a date. You can also use date literals to directly assign a date to a Variant or Date variable, for example, MyDate = #2/12/69#.

Dim MyDate
MyDate = DateValue("February 12, 1969")    ' Return a date.

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