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SetAttr statement

Sets attribute information for a file.


SetAttr pathname, attributes

The SetAttr statement syntax has these named arguments:

Part Description
pathname Required. String expression that specifies a file name; may include directory or folder, and drive.
attributes Required. Constant or numeric expression whose sum specifies file attributes.


The attributes argument settings are:

Constant Value Description
vbNormal 0 Normal (default)
vbReadOnly 1 Read-only
vbHidden 2 Hidden
vbSystem 4 System file. Not available on the Macintosh.
vbArchive 32 File has changed since last backup.
vbAlias 64 Specified file name is an alias. Available only on the Macintosh.


A run-time error occurs if you try to set the attributes of an open file.


This example uses the SetAttr statement to set attributes for a file. On the Macintosh, only the constants vbNormal, vbReadOnly, vbHidden, and vbAlias are available.

SetAttr "TESTFILE", vbHidden ' Set hidden attribute. 
SetAttr "TESTFILE", vbHidden + vbReadOnly ' Set hidden and read-only 
 ' attributes.

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