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Randomize statement

Table of contents
  1. Syntax
  2. Remarks
  3. Example

Initializes the random-number generator.


Randomize [ number ]

The optional number argument is a Variant or any valid numeric expression.


Randomize uses number to initialize the Rnd function's random-number generator, giving it a new seed value. If you omit number, the value returned by the system timer is used as the new seed value.

If Randomize is not used, the Rnd function (with no arguments) uses the same number as a seed the first time it is called, and thereafter uses the last generated number as a seed value.


This example uses the Randomize statement to initialize the random-number generator. Because the number argument has been omitted, Randomize uses the return value from the Timer function as the new seed value.

Dim MyValue 
Randomize ' Initialize random-number generator. 
MyValue = Int((6 * Rnd) + 1) ' Generate random value between 1 and 6.

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