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Input # statement

Table of contents
  1. Syntax
  2. Remarks
  3. Example

Reads data from an open sequential file and assigns the data to variables.


Input #filenumber, varlist

The Input # statement syntax has these parts:

Part Description
filenumber Required. Any valid file number.
varlist Required. Comma-delimited list of variables that are assigned values read from the file—can't be an array or object variable. However, variables that describe an element of an array or user-defined type may be used.


Data read with Input # is usually written to a file with Write #. Use this statement only with files opened in Input or Binary mode. When read, standard string or numeric data is assigned to variables without modification.

The following table illustrates how other input data is treated:

Data Value assigned to variable
Delimiting comma or blank line Empty
#NULL# Null
#TRUE# or #FALSE# True or False
# yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss # The date and/or time represented by the expression
#ERROR errornumber # errornumber (variable is a Variant tagged as an error)

Double quotation marks () within input data are ignored.

Data items in a file must appear in the same order as the variables in varlist and match variables of the same data type. If a variable is numeric and the data is not numeric, a value of zero is assigned to the variable.

If you reach the end of the file while you are inputting a data item, the input is terminated and an error occurs.


This example uses the Input # statement to read data from a file into two variables. This example assumes that TESTFILE is a file with a few lines of data written to it by using the Write # statement; that is, each line contains a string in quotations and a number separated by a comma, for example, "Hello", 234.

Dim MyString, MyNumber 
Open "TESTFILE" For Input As #1    ' Open file for input. 
Do While Not EOF(1)    ' Loop until end of file. 
    Input #1, MyString, MyNumber    ' Read data into two variables. 
    Debug.Print MyString, MyNumber    ' Print data to the Immediate window. 
Close #1    ' Close file.

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