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WorksheetFunction.CountA method

Counts the number of cells that are not empty and the values within the list of arguments.


expression.CountA (Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10, Arg11, Arg12, Arg13, Arg14, Arg15, Arg16, Arg17, Arg18, Arg19, Arg20, Arg21, Arg22, Arg23, Arg24, Arg25, Arg26, Arg27, Arg28, Arg29, Arg30)

expression A variable that represents a WorksheetFunction object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Arg1 - Arg30 Required Variant 1 to 30 arguments representing the values that you want to count.

Return value



Use CountA to count the number of cells that contain data in a range or array.

A value is any type of information, including error values and empty text (""). A value does not include empty cells.

If an argument is an array or reference, only values in that array or reference are used. Empty cells and text values in the array or reference are ignored.

If you don't need to count logical values, text, or error values, use the Count function.

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