Home » PivotTable.CacheIndex property
Excel Macro: Make All PivotTables Use the Same Pivot Cache
If you work enough with PivotTables, you will no doubt find that you need to analyze the same dataset in multiple ways. […]
Excel Macro: Create a PivotTable Checklist Summary
When your workbook contains multiple PivotTables, it is often helpful to have a checklist summary that outlines the basic details of the […]
Range.AutoFit method Application.ConvertFormula method PivotCache.SourceData property PivotTable.CacheIndex property PivotTable.TableRange2 property PivotTable.Parent property PivotTable.Name property Worksheets.Add method PivotTable.PivotCache method Array function Range.EntireColumn property Range.Address property For Each...Next statement
PivotTable.CacheIndex property
Returns or sets the index number of the PivotTable cache. Read/write Long. Syntax expression.CacheIndex expression A variable that represents a PivotTable object. […]