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FileSystemObject object




The following code illustrates how the FileSystemObject object is used to return a TextStream object that can be read from or written to:

Sub TestFSO()
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set myfile = fso.CreateTextFile("d:\helloworld.txt", True)
    myfile.WriteLine ("Welcome to")
End Sub

In the example code:

The CreateObject function returns the FileSystemObject (fs).
The CreateTextFile method creates the file as a TextStream object (a).
The WriteLine method writes a line of text to the created text file.
The Close method flushes the buffer and closes the file.


Method Description
BuildPath Appends a name to an existing path.
CopyFile Copies one or more files from one location to another.
CopyFolder Copies one or more folders from one location to another.
CreateFolder Creates a new folder.
CreateTextFile Creates a text file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from, or write to the file.
DeleteFile Deletes one or more specified files.
DeleteFolder Deletes one or more specified folders.
DriveExists Checks if a specified drive exists.
FileExists Checks if a specified file exists.
FolderExists Checks if a specified folder exists.
GetAbsolutePathName Returns the complete path from the root of the drive for the specified path.
GetBaseName Returns the base name of a specified file or folder.
GetDrive Returns a Drive object corresponding to the drive in a specified path.
GetDriveName Returns the drive name of a specified path.
GetExtensionName Returns the file extension name for the last component in a specified path.
GetFile Returns a File object for a specified path.
GetFileName Returns the file name or folder name for the last component in a specified path.
GetFolder Returns a Folder object for a specified path.
GetParentFolderName Returns the name of the parent folder of the last component in a specified path.
GetSpecialFolder Returns the path to some of Windows' special folders.
GetTempName Returns a randomly generated temporary file or folder.
Move Moves a specified file or folder from one location to another.
MoveFile Moves one or more files from one location to another.
MoveFolder Moves one or more folders from one location to another.
OpenAsTextStream Opens a specified file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from, write to, or append to the file.
OpenTextFile Opens a file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to access the file.
WriteLine Writes a specified string and new-line character to a TextStream file.


Property Description
Drives Returns a collection of all Drive objects on the computer.
Name Sets or returns the name of a specified file or folder.
Path Returns the path for a specified file, folder, or drive.
Size For files, returns the size, in bytes, of the specified file; for folders, returns the size, in bytes, of all files and subfolders contained in the folder.
Type Returns information about the type of a file or folder (for example, for files ending in .TXT, "Text Document" is returned).

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