A collection of CommandBar objects that represent the command bars in the container application.
Use the CommandBars property to return the CommandBars collection. The following example displays in the Immediate window both the name and local name of each menu bar and toolbar, and it displays a value that indicates whether the menu bar or toolbar is visible.
For Each cbar in CommandBars
Debug.Print cbar.Name, cbar.NameLocal, cbar.Visible
Use the Add method to add a new command bar to the collection. The following example creates a custom toolbar named Custom1 and displays it as a floating toolbar.
Set cbar1 = CommandBars.Add(Name:="Custom1", Position:=msoBarFloating)
cbar1.Visible = True
Use enumName, where index is the name or index number of a command bar, to return a single CommandBar object. The following example docks the toolbar named Custom1 at the bottom of the application window.
CommandBars("Custom1").Position = msoBarBottom
Use the name or index number to specify a menu bar or toolbar in the list of available menu bars and toolbars in the container application. However, you must use the name to specify a menu, shortcut menu, or submenu (all of which are represented by CommandBar objects). If two or more custom menus or submenus have the same name, enumName returns the first one. To ensure that you return the correct menu or submenu, locate the popup control that displays that menu. Then apply the CommandBar property to the popup control to return the command bar that represents that menu.