Bayesian Analysis with Excel and R
- Length: 192 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
- Publication Date: 2022-11-21
- ISBN-10: 0137580983
- ISBN-13: 9780137580989
Book Description
Leverage the full power of Bayesian analysis for competitive advantage
Bayesian methods can solve problems you can't reliably handle any other way. Building on your existing Excel analytics skills and experience, Microsoft Excel MVP Conrad Carlberg helps you make the most of Excel's Bayesian capabilities and move toward R to do even more.
Step by step, with real-world examples, Carlberg shows you how to use Bayesian analytics to solve a wide array of real problems. Carlberg clarifies terminology that often bewilders analysts, provides downloadable Excel workbooks you can easily adapt to your own needs, and offers sample R code to take advantage of the rethinking package in R and its gateway to Stan.
As you incorporate these Bayesian approaches into your analytical toolbox, you'll build a powerful competitive advantage for your organization---and yourself.
- Explore key ideas and strategies that underlie Bayesian analysis
- Distinguish prior, likelihood, and posterior distributions, and compare algorithms for driving sampling inputs
- Use grid approximation to solve simple univariate problems, and understand its limits as parameters increase
- Perform complex simulations and regressions with quadratic approximation and Richard McElreath's quap function
- Manage text values as if they were numeric
- Learn today's gold-standard Bayesian sampling technique: Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
- Use MCMC to optimize execution speed in high-complexity problems
- Discover when frequentist methods fail and Bayesian methods are essential---and when to use both in tandem
Table of contents
Cover Page
About This eBook
Title Page
Contents at a Glance
Copyright Page
Pearson’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
About the Author
1. Bayesian Analysis and R: An Overview
Bayes Comes Back
About Structuring Priors
Watching the Jargon
Priors, Likelihoods, and Posteriors
Contrasting a Frequentist Analysis with a Bayesian
2. Generating Posterior Distributions with the Binomial Distribution
Understanding the Binomial Distribution
Understanding Some Related Functions
Working with R’s Binomial Functions
Grappling with the Math
3. Understanding the Beta Distribution
Establishing the Beta Distribution in Excel
Comparing the Beta Distribution with the Binomial Distribution
Decoding Excel’s Help Documentation for BETA.DIST
Replicating the Analysis in R
4. Grid Approximation and the Beta Distribution
More on Grid Approximation
Using the Results of the Beta Function
Tracking the Shape and Location of the Distribution
Inventorying the Necessary Functions
Moving from the Underlying Formulas to the Functions
Comparing Built-in Functions with Underlying Formulas
Understanding Conjugate Priors
5. Grid Approximation with Multiple Parameters
Setting the Stage
Putting the Data Together
6. Regression Using Bayesian Methods
Regression à la Bayes
Sample Regression Analysis
Matrix Algebra Methods
Understanding quap
Continuing the Code
A Full Example
Designing the Multiple Regression
Arranging a Bayesian Multiple Regression
7. Handling Nominal Variables
Using Dummy Coding
Supplying Text Labels in Place of Codes
Comparing Group Means
8. MCMC Sampling Methods
Quick Review of Bayesian Sampling
A Sample MCMC Analysis
Summary and Concluding Thoughts
A. Installation Instructions for RStan and the rethinking Package on the Windows Platform
Code Snippets